From the desk of Plumbing Express Atlanta: For Immediate Release: There’s a new design for our van lettering!
We recently hired the services of High Stakes Digital Sign Crafters in Kennesaw, Ga to design a new look for our vans. After speaking with a few sign shops and independent guys I ran across the Facebook page for HSDSC and decided to give them a call. Some sign companies really push a full vehicle wrap which is very costly and has a tendency to draw companies into putting way too much “stuff” all over the vehicle. During our consultation the folks at HSDSC steered us toward using a design from cut vinyl. We’re really please with the results.
Ty has worked in the home services and plumbing business for 20 years and is a Georgia State Licensed Master Plumber. As the owner of Plumbing Express since 2012, Ty brings two decades of industry expertise, gained through various roles and responsibilities across multiple companies. He thrives on the challenges of building and maintaining a healthy, customer-focused company. Ty stays hands-on with daily operations, promoting a principles-based culture that creates win-win outcomes for customers, vendors, and team members alike.